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Hello!I am tryig to create my own USBPD project on P-NUCLEO-USB002, and using UM2552 manual.I add to project some files (see screenshot) and have compile error.On the page 20 there is string: "For details see the file usbpd_dpm_user.h, which contains...
When I am trying to compile project Consumer_DRP_RTOS from C:\xx\X-CUBE-USB-PD-master\STM32CubeExpansion_USBPD_F0\Projects\STM32F072RB-Nucleo\Applications\USB_PDI get a lot of errors. I managed to eliminate some of them by adding header files to the ...
Hello!I am trying to create my own USB PD device, but initially I want to test it using P-NUCLEO-USB002 kit. And I don't understand how correct install the X-CUBE-USB-PD library. I tryed to do it from CubeMX (V5.6.1), but there is no such extension i...