For IIS328DQ, if the threshold is set to 0.25g, does this mean that it will interrupt if either X, Y, or Z changes more than 0.25g? Our application is to detect a vehicle is moving or not. What is the best threshold to set for this application?
IIS328DQ CS, SCL, SDA, and SA0 pins are having internal active pull up. If I were to use I2C communication, do I need to connect CS pin to high? Since it is already had internal active pull up, I don't think that we still need it....please confirm.
Not quite clear about the statement " "Pin 1 Indicator" unconnected during soldering " as mentioned in the datasheet. Can someone elaborate on this?In the Recommended Land and Soldermask design, the statement "PCB THERMAL PAD NOT TO BE DESIGNED ON P...
Assuming the sensor is placed flat to a surface the Z axis will have 1g. If we want the interrupt event to happen if the vibration more than 350mg, we need to set the threshold to 1.35g? The device can be placed flat on a surface or it can be place...
So if I set the threshold for z-axis to 300 or 350mg, any difference of forces between time at t1 and at t2 more than 300 or 350mg, the interrupt event will occur?