User Activity

For IIS328DQ, if the threshold is set to 0.25g, does this mean that it will interrupt if either X, Y, or Z changes more than 0.25g? Our application is to detect a vehicle is moving or not. What is the best threshold to set for this application?
IIS328DQ CS, SCL, SDA, and SA0 pins are having internal active pull up. If I were to use I2C communication, do I need to connect CS pin to high? Since it is already had internal active pull up, I don't think that we still need it....please confirm.
Not quite clear about the statement " "Pin 1 Indicator" unconnected during soldering " as mentioned in the datasheet. Can someone elaborate on this?In the Recommended Land and Soldermask design, the statement "PCB THERMAL PAD NOT TO BE DESIGNED ON P...