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Hello, We would like to integrate LSM6DS3TR sensor.For that to happed we need SEE (Secure Execution Environment) framework drivers for Qualcomm based processors. Could you please supply drivers for that? It is urgent. Thank you.Best regards,Miha
Hello!I'm trying to create a USB composite device with 2 registered classes DFU and CDC ACM, using USBX middleware on stm32u585 mcu.I was going through those two examples on git:STM32CubeU5/Projects/B-U585I-IOT02A/Applications/USBX/Ux_Device_DFU/STM3...
Hello,I'm using StmCubeMX 6.5.0 with StmCubeIDE 1,9.0.I'm trying to set up ADC1 channel 7 (PA2 pin) in polling mode on STM32U585QII device.HAL_ADC_GetValue is always returning 0 while it should return something else.Below is a simple main function:in...
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