Generally, after performing everything needed to start a conversion (including ADC calibration), youenable the VREF by setting ADC_CCR.VREFENselect channel 17 in ADC_CHSELR, a and start conversionperform an ADC conversionfrom the conversion result,...
Oh, this is one of those timing issues ST won't deal with, as "libraries" (SPL, Cube) usually hide them inadvertently through being bloated enough. This particular one has been discussed here several times, e.g.
Switch the pins mode in GPIOx_MODER from AF to GPIO_Out.Other way is to leave them as AF and switch the mode of the timer channel to Force Inactive or Forced Active, in respective TIMx_CCMRy.OCzM.JW
Posted on July 16, 2018 at 16:28You have preload enabled for the CCRx register. Don't enable it.I don't Cube so you have to figure it yoursef how to prevent enbling the preload.JW
Posted on July 06, 2018 at 08:00Check also all power and ground pins, including the analog.Is there only one power supply regulator, or are there separate power rails?Anything unusual connected on the reset pin?JW