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My controller can be waked up from Standby mode by Alarm A or Alarm B: Alarm A every day and Alarm B every minute. Are there any flags (or another means) to know, what event (Alarm A or B) was cause of the waking? That is the problem, because all re...
That is my code below (Nucleo STM32L053). RTC works from 32768 quartz (LSE). Blue Button disconnected by eliminating of the SB17. Additional LED is connected to PC13 instead of the button. So, the device wakes up normally, when I set high level on wa...
Posted on January 03, 2017 at 13:10I have Nucleo-L053 with STM32L053 onboard. I want use SRAM for debug programs, not Flash (only 10000 rewrite-cycles :). But this MCU has only 1 pin 'Boot0'. How I can boot load to SRAM and then boot from here?I red...
Posted on December 06, 2016 at 23:30Were I can download the STM32L053 Standard Peripheral Library?