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Posted on December 07, 2012 at 17:08hello, ive been playing around with USART on my stm32f4 discovery for some time now. I am able to send letters and strings on USART but not float values. i really need to transmit float values to PC.I`ve tried but...
Posted on November 28, 2012 at 14:34hello everyone, i`m working on an academic project.i`m trying to read sensor values and needs to send the readings after calculation to PC via USB or Serial port Does initializing and sending data to USART1 requir...
Posted on November 09, 2012 at 18:39Clive1 thanks for your response!  could u please explain how it works? im learning shift operators and addressing registers as struct. it`l be helpful if u could guide me thanks! 
Posted on November 08, 2012 at 16:15hello , im a newbie to stm32 and im just starting with stm32f4 discovery, i have to write an 8 bit value to GPIOA ODR from bit2 to bit9 while not altering bit0 and bit1 how can i do that? it`s a noob question but ...