Posted on May 17, 2011 at 13:22Hi, yes I solved it! I figured out that if I turn off my laptop everything works fine. So I added a Schmitt Trigger. Problem solved! Regards,
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 13:22Hello, I'm trying to measure the PWM signal of a rc receiver. The falling edge of the signal triggers the tim 2 cc isr. My problem is that for some reason the ISR is triggered again only 2usec later. There are no risin...
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 13:15Hi Niklas, maybe this program helps you. I think it does just what you want using Timer2. Regards, kounst void TIM2_Configuration(void) { TIM_ICInitTypeDef TIM_ICInitStructure; //TIM_ICInitStructure.TIM_ICMode = TIM_...
Posted on July 28, 2008 at 07:26Danke!! :) That was not really the solution but it helped me find the actual problem. my code was: @interrupt ... extern int count; void ISR{} So ''@interrupt'' wasn't missing but ''extern int count'' may not stand in...