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I believe there is a unclear statement about FIFO address auto inreasement and 8-bit sub address issue; here is two explanation from the datasheet;8bit sub address auto inrease : (page 25 6.1.1 I2C operation)... 7 LSb represent the actual register ad...
void app_SendBuffer (void *argument) { uint32_t dma_index; char Message1[26]; bool a; sprintf (Message1, "BufferSize_inBytes = %u\n", AdcHalfBufferSize_inByte); osDelay(5000); while (!USBD_Configured(0)) { osThreadYield (); } USBD_CDC_A...
i am searching but i could not find it yet , only pdf...Where is STM32F10x DSP Library ?
Hello,i set stm32f103c8 adc1 at 12mhz . Main clock is 8Mhz * 9 = 72Mhz.i use ADC_SAMPLETIME_7CYCLES_5 so 12.5 + 7.5 = 20cycle = 600ksps.i set dma circular continuous mode with 1000 element buffer.i can receive half and conversion complete interrupts ...
in reference there is such information ; STM32F103xx performance line devices: 1 μs at 56 MHz (1.17 μs at 72 MHz)why does it take longer in 72mhz ?