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Hi everyone.we had performed a project with discovery f746 board that within it there just was a GUI task to run emwin functions.Another functions(such as reading and writing in sd card by fatfs , usb, spi and stuff) were placed in the routines of Bu...
Posted on June 24, 2018 at 06:41Hi everyone.We have run a project on discovery f746 board consist of FREE RTOS ,  emwin and fat fs sd card library,that it works fine.Now we want to add USB OTG Host in FS mode to our project.We tried to append config...
Posted on April 09, 2018 at 08:38Hello everyone I use stm32f746 discovery board. I implemented emwin,Free rtos and Fatfs for the SDcard(using SDIO interface). In my application after pressing a button, a value(as a string) is saved in the SDcard....