Hello, Could you check sanity of values exchanged in ble_codec.c (BLE_ReadLocalSupportedControllerDelay()) ?(value for a single ASE). Here, minimum value is linked to the LC3 configuration (computation time) + CODEC_PROC_MARGIN_US + CODEC_RF_SETUP_US...
Hello, Controller delay min is depending on various things such as ASE numbers & direction and codec configuration. The maximum is based on the RAM memory provided to the codec manager at the initialization. But looking at the strange values in hexa...
Hello, I guess you are speaking about the STM32WBA55G-DK1 board. So here are few answersIt depends on your needs: current projects don't use the MEMS but drivers support it. You could update the application to source audio from the MEMS. However, the...
Hello, here are some clarifications that can help. -PBP Sink project is using SAI peripheral for I²S generation through the BSP, (see stm32wba55g_discovery_audio.c)In the header you can see that several DMA channels are reserved by this BSP : -GPDM...