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Posted on December 16, 2014 at 09:45Hello,for low power purposes my application normally runs at MSI-128KHz. If USB cable is conencted I switch to HSE-32MHz in order to have USB working and I have to get back to low frequency when disconnecting. Pro...
Posted on December 02, 2014 at 21:24Hello,I designed my own application starting from VirtualComport_loopback example project.I have a modbus client protocol running on USB and using CDC_Send_DATA() and CDC_Receive_DATA() send and get data from PC v...
Posted on December 01, 2014 at 09:48Hello all,my application is based on stm32l152, I use StdPeriph_Driver and STM32_USB-FS-Device_Driver.USB transfer works fine until I disconnect usb cable. After disconnecting the firmware stuck running just inter...
Posted on August 30, 2013 at 14:35Hello,I'd like to change the current STM32L152VB (LQFP100) to the bigger xC or xD. Are there any differences in terms of pinout and/or software? Is there any migrating application note?Thanks and best regards
Posted on May 22, 2012 at 15:58Hello, my bootloader reflash routine works properly using FLASH_FastProgramWord(). To speed-up the procedure I tried using the faster Page Program FLASH_If_Write() function but most of of the times I get crashes. Can a...