User Activity

What does it mean CUT?I suppose is a CPU identification tag, but I'm not sure.I developing a project with SPC5 studio V.6.0, but I don't understand which file I must include in my project between spc574k_cut24.h and spc574k.h.I see there are some ex...
Good morning,I am developing a project for SPC574K2 with SPC5 studio V.6 which uses the C55 flash driver with ppc-freevle-eabi-gcc compiler. I suppose I need to use the c55_freegcc.a library, I would like to understand what is the difference from c55...
Good morning,I have download the "SPC57xKLS-FLASH-0.1.1" driver for ST website.The installation stops after creating the STM_APG_TOOLS_LicReq.txt file and sending it to the email address I have not yet received t...
Goodmorning,I'm reading the UM1618 User manual but I d0n't understand the differences between alternate interface and main interface.May anyone explain me the meaning and differences, please?Best regardsE.