Posted on September 08, 2004 at 14:17Well you see I just need a 40mhz cpu speed 16-bit compatible.I just want a hardware usb support on its own line putting the info to sram then the cpu pull the info from sram to the PIC16c745. I just cant figure o...
Posted on September 02, 2004 at 13:16 That wont work for me. It has to be small and I dont need pci capability or nic capiblity. I just need to have usb, lcd and run a very small vertion of dos on it. U nless you know of a IC that can decode avi.
Posted on September 01, 2004 at 22:01Ok well it took me a while but I found this site and hope it helps me. Any way Is there a microcontroller that I can use to run freedos or just plain dos 3.1 or something that is saved in a eeprom. Then I want ...