Posted on October 16, 2003 at 22:58In ST10X167 User Manual.pdf, ST10F276 has the same mechanism as ST10X167. And u may reference the XSSC (SSC2) description in ST10F276.
Posted on September 30, 2003 at 05:33The st10 works on 16M oscillator At first, I use RTC: RTCPL = 0x00ff; That's RTCL will increase 1 after 64 * 256 *1 / 16M = 1ms; But when it comes to hardware, the timer is wrong. The 5 second delay becomes near...
Posted on August 26, 2003 at 07:09We r migrating our project to the new Tasking EDE v2.7 r5 for st10f276. We designate the reg276.def in Assembler Options -> Miscellaneous Tab and include the reg276.h. If I choose to display all warnings, it says 5...