Posted on June 11, 2003 at 07:51Thank you. I know that i can't directly read those values. Then i read them via register A , i allways get FFh value(exept only one micro , supported with Demo Board). I seems like those micros wasn't calibrated...
Posted on June 09, 2003 at 09:39I doesn't overwrite those location. I just reading those values , that are already at micro's memory , and send them to RCCR register.
Posted on June 08, 2003 at 07:35Thank you very much for the support . I am working with the InDART from Softec and inside i got the ST7Flite09Y . The internal Frequency should be 1Mhz with PLL *4 and the divider by 100 , that gives us freq of 40Khz ...
Posted on June 04, 2003 at 12:23I got a problem with programing STLITE09M6. When i am trying to program the micro onboard (with help of inDART ST7) , i am getting a message that a program was complited , but the program doesn't run. That can to be t...