2019-11-06 7:37 AM
Hello everyone.
SLCC generated a strange instruction similar to JRF, represented as .byte 0x21 pseudo-instruction. Can anyone explain what this is? A code snippet is provided in the attachment. The compiler options are as follows: -mstm8 --out-fmt-elf --opt-code-speed --max-allocs-per-node 6900 - -stack-auto -c
Thanks in advance.
2019-11-06 10:28 AM
Just causes it to EAT the next byte/instruction. JRF (Jump if FALSE, ie NEVER) will take the next byte as the intended target, which it never acts upon. Think of it as the first byte of a two byte NOP, equivalent in this situation to a JRA 00106$ without the pipeline hit, and uses less code
478 ; -----------------------------------------
479 ; function USART1_RX_TIM5_CC_IRQHandler
480 ; -----------------------------------------
00011F 481 _USART1_RX_TIM5_CC_IRQHandler:
00011F 4F [ 1] 482 clr a
000120 62 [ 2] 483 div x, a
484 ; /home/master/workspace/_myrtos-newview-0.0.0/SPL/stm8l15x_tim5.h: 1996: tim5_flag_l = (uint8_t)(TIM5->SR1 & (uint8_t)(TIM5_FLAG));
000121 C6 53 06 [ 1] 485 ld a, 0x5306
000124 A4 04 [ 1] 486 and a, #0x04
000126 97 [ 1] 487 ld xl, a
488 ; /home/master/workspace/_myrtos-newview-0.0.0/SPL/stm8l15x_tim5.h: 1997: tim5_flag_h = (uint8_t)(TIM5->SR2 & (uint8_t)((uint16_t)TIM5_FLAG >> 8));
000127 C6 53 07 [ 1] 489 ld a, 0x5307
490 ; /home/master/workspace/_myrtos-newview-0.0.0/SPL/stm8l15x_tim5.h: 1999: if ((uint8_t)(tim5_flag_l | tim5_flag_h) != 0)
00012A 9F [ 1] 491 ld a, xl
00012B 4D [ 1] 492 tnz a
00012C 27 03 [ 1] 493 jreq 00105$
494 ; /home/master/workspace/_myrtos-newview-0.0.0/SPL/stm8l15x_tim5.h: 2001: bitstatus = SET;
00012E A6 01 [ 1] 495 ld a, #0x01
496 ; /home/master/workspace/_myrtos-newview-0.0.0/SPL/stm8l15x_tim5.h: 2005: bitstatus = RESET;
000130 21 497 .byte 0x21
000131 498 00105$:
000131 4F [ 1] 499 clr a
000132 500 00106$:
501 ; ../stm8l15x_it.c: 363: if (TIM5_GetFlagStatus(TIM5_FLAG_CC2) == SET) os_yield();
000132 4A [ 1] 502 dec a
000133 26 05 [ 1] 503 jrne 00102$
000135 CDr00r00 [ 4] 504 call _os_yield
000138 20 06 [ 2] 505 jra 00108$
00013A 506 00102$:
507 ; ../stm8l15x_it.c: 365: os_handle_interrupt_error(28);
00013A 4B 1C [ 1] 508 push #0x1c
00013C CDr00r00 [ 4] 509 call _os_handle_interrupt_error
00013F 84 [ 1] 510 pop a
000140 511 00108$:
512 ; ../stm8l15x_it.c: 366: }
000140 80 [11] 513 iret
2019-11-06 8:02 PM
Super skip! Very original, as well as bypassing the error of the first division. Thank you very much.