2013-08-22 4:17 AM
first thanks for spenting your time to me. I need read 3 channel for AIN0,AIN2 and AIN3. But i cant get the analog reading. it always show me constant value even my analog input changed. I'll post related about ADC part..Please help me. thanks in advance
// Initialisation of ADC ADC1_ConversionConfig(ADC1_CONVERSIONMODE_CONTINUOUS, ADC1_CHANNEL_3, ADC1_ALIGN_LEFT); ADC1_PrescalerConfig(ADC1_PRESSEL_FCPU_D18); ADC1_Cmd(ENABLE); ADC1_ITConfig(ADC1_IT_EOCIE, ENABLE); ADC1_StartConversion(); INTERRUPT_HANDLER(ADC1_IRQHandler, 22) { /* In order to detect unexpected events during development, it is recommended to set a breakpoint on the following instruction. */ // ADC Conversion completed interrupt handler. u16 ADC_Raw_Value; static u16 ADC_dIntegrator=0; static u16 ADC_itIntegrator=0; static u8 ADC_mCount=0; ADC1->CSR &= ~ADC1_CSR_EOC; // Indicate that ADC conversion is complete. ADC_Raw_Value = ADC1->DRH; // Read Most Significant bits first ADC_Raw_Value <<= 2; // Switch 2 bit to left(D9-D2) ADC_Raw_Value |= (ADC1->DRL & 0x03); // Add most and least significant bits ADC_mCount++; ADC_itIntegrator+= ADC_Raw_Value; if(ADC_mCount == 20) { ADC_dIntegrator=ADC_itIntegrator ; callbackADC_Integrator(ADC_dIntegrator); DALIslave_SetAdcDataReadyFlag(TRUE); ADC_dIntegrator = 0; ADC_mCount = 0; } }void callbackADC_Integrator(u16 itADC_Integrator){ ADC_Integrator = itADC_Integrator;}void DALIslave_SetAdcDataReadyFlag(bool state){ AdcDataReadyFlag = state;}bool DALIslave_GetAdcDataReadyFlag(void){ return AdcDataReadyFlag;}void DALIslave_AvgADCValue(){ static u8 AdcChannel = 0; u16 ADC_final; u8 ADC_low; u8 ADC_high; if (AdcChannel == 0) { ADC1->CR1 &= ~ADC1_CR1_ADON; //disable ADC conversion channel-0 ADC1->CSR |= ADC1_CHANNEL_2; ADC1->CR1 |= ADC1_CR1_ADON; //start ADC conversion channel-2 AdcChannel++; //set to channel-2(current) ADC_temperature = ADC_Integrator / 20; //get temperature average ADC_final = (ADC_temperature );//* 33) / 10; ADC_low = (u8)(ADC_final & 0xff); ADC_high =(u8)((ADC_final >> 8 )& 0xff); DALIP_SetTemperature(ADC_high, ADC_low); //set temperature to RAM } else if (AdcChannel == 1) { ADC1->CR1 &= ~ADC1_CR1_ADON; //disable ADC conversion channel-2 ADC1->CSR |= ADC1_CHANNEL_3; //set to channel-3(voltage) ADC1->CR1 |= ADC1_CR1_ADON; //start ADC conversion channel-3 AdcChannel++; ADC_current = ADC_Integrator / 20; //get current average ADC_final = (ADC_current );//* 33) / 10; ADC_low = (u8)(ADC_final & 0xff); ADC_high = (u8)((ADC_final >> 8 )& 0xff); DALIP_SetCurrent(ADC_high, ADC_low); //set current to RAM } else { ADC1->CR1 &= ~ADC1_CR1_ADON; //disable ADC conversion channel-3 ADC1->CSR |= ADC1_CHANNEL_0; ADC1->CR1 |= ADC1_CR1_ADON; //set to channel-0(temperature) AdcChannel = 0; ADC_voltage = ADC_Integrator / 20; //get voltage average ADC_final = (ADC_voltage );//* 33) / 10; ADC_low = (u8)(ADC_final & 0xff); ADC_high =(u8)((ADC_final >> 8 )& 0xff); DALIP_SetVoltage(ADC_high, ADC_low); //set temperature to RAM } AdcDataReadyFlag = FALSE;}void main(void){ while(1) if (DALIslave_GetAdcDataReadyFlag() == TRUE) { DALIslave_AvgADCValue(); } }