2010-06-07 03:25 AM
TLI problem
2011-05-17 06:09 AM
You need just to invert instruction order:
PD_DDR = 0x2D; \* PD7 input *\ PD_CR1 = 0x2D; \* PD7 floating *\ EXTI_CR1 = 0x48; EXTI_CR2 = 0x06; \* set rising edge on TLI *\ PD_CR2 = 0x80; \* PD7 interrupt *\ It is reported in the RM:TLIS: Top level interrupt sensitivity
This bit is set and cleared by software. This bit can be written only when the external interrupt is disabled on the corresponding GPIO port (PD7). 0: Falling edge. 1: Rising edge Regards, Olga2011-05-17 06:09 AM
Thank you very much Olga.