2013-12-02 5:10 AM
Hi there
I'm currently using the 32k Special EditionCosmic compiler for STM8, version 4.3.11. There seems to be partial support for C99 features, but there doesn't seem to be support for ''designated initialisers'' (see for example). I've found these really useful in the past to ensure that my structures are correctly initialised even if I decide to add or re-order members. Positional initialisation is a bit of a maintenance nightmare, by comparison. Does anyone know if (a) these are supported in the paid-for version, or (b) might be implemented soon? Best regards Jonathan2013-12-02 9:01 AM
2013-12-03 2:00 AM
Hi Luca
Thanks for the prompt reply. Pity about that, it really is very useful - please put it on the long-term list! Best regards Jonathan2013-12-06 6:01 AM
I would also greatly appreciate ''designated initializers''. It's a very important addition to C since C99.