2010-07-06 06:53 AM
I'm trying to dim a LED with the touch sensor on the STM8S Discovery board. After a touch the LED begins to dim until it's dark, but it should stop dimming, if I take my finger away again. This action is not recognized. I think the code stays in an infinite loop at the line, which I have marked with the arrow. When is the TSL_GlobalSetting.b.CHANGED-flag set? I cannot find it in the help files. Or must I use another flag? Or is anything else in my code wrong? Or is it impossible to use this flag two times in the ExtraCode_StateMaschine and if this is the case, how can I implement LED dimming with TSL? Here is my code: void ExtraCode_StateMachine(void) { if (TSL_GlobalSetting.b.CHANGED) { TSL_GlobalSetting.b.CHANGED = 0;if (sSCKeyInfo[0].Setting.b.DETECTED)
{ GPIO_WriteHigh(GPIOD, GPIO_PIN_0); TIM3_OC1Init(TIM3_OCMODE_PWM1, TIM3_OUTPUTSTATE_ENABLE, 999, TIM3_OCPOLARITY_HIGH); while(TSL_GlobalSetting.b.CHANGED==0)<--------- { if (TSL_Tick_Flags.b.User_Flag_100ms == 1) { Delay(&Dim, 1*MilliSec); } } } else { GPIO_WriteLow(GPIOD, GPIO_PIN_0); } } } void Dim (void) { u16 pwm=0; if (dimming>20) { pwm=dimming-20; dimming=pwm; } TIM3_OC1Init(TIM3_OCMODE_PWM1, TIM3_OUTPUTSTATE_ENABLE, dimming, TIM3_OCPOLARITY_HIGH); } Greetings, a.m.2010-07-06 09:02 AM
problem solved