2009-12-15 11:28 AM
stm8s-Discovery: The beginers Guide - GPIO Primer
2011-05-17 6:06 AM
Would be great if someone here on the board can take a look at my first attempt to put together just some basic GPIO facts and tidbits. See attached pdf.
Would appreciate comments from experienced folks as well as from the target audience (beginners in stm8s). Planning to add more code examples, but with the current time crunch can't promise anything soon without your help and contribution. If you have some time on your hands, send me your GPIO related code directly (m_kisacanin at yahoo dot com) - the only requirement I have is to please keep it simple and to test the code. I promise to properly credit your contribution :) As the time permits, I'll have the next Primer (probably on ADC or Timers) ready some time soon. Miroslav2011-05-17 6:06 AM
Hi m_kisacanin,
Thanks m_kisacanin for this useful summary of GPIO configuration. I want to contribute with a simple example of using an external interrupt but I don't have a discovery board to test so thanks to give the connections of buttons and leds to perform a trivial example that toggles a led when the button is pressed. Regards,2011-05-17 6:06 AM
Useful stuff, so thank you for writing it! I've included a link to this thread at the bottom of the tutorial I wrote. :)
2011-05-17 6:06 AM