2015-08-17 10:35 AM
I moved my project from IAR to COSMIC and STVD and now with the COSMIC Compiler I always get the error message ''#error clnk Debug\densitometer_st.lkf:1 symbol _FLASH_NCR2 not defined ((C:\Program Files (x86)\COSMIC\32K_Compilers\CXSTM8\Lib\libm0.sm8)eepwrl.o (C:\Program Files (x86)\COSMIC\32K_Compilers\CXSTM8\Lib\libm0.sm8)eeprom.o ) The command: ''clnk -l''C:\Program Files (x86)\COSMIC\32K_Compilers\CXSTM8\Lib'' -o Debug\densitometer_st.sm8 -mDebug\densitometer_st.map Debug\densitometer_st.lkf '' has failed, the returned value is: 1exit code=1.''.I searched on this topic and i found, that somehow it is necessary to manually implement this defines:volatile char FLASH_CR1 @0x5050; /* Flash Control Register 1 */volatile char FLASH_CR2 @0x5051; /* Flash Control Register 2 *///volatile char FLASH_NCR2 @0x5051; /* Flash Complementary Control Reg 2 */volatile char FLASH_PUKR @0x5052; /* Flash Program memory unprotection reg */volatile char FLASH_DUKR @0x5053; /* Data EEPROM unprotection reg */volatile char FLASH_IAPSR @0x5054; /* Flash in-appl Prog. Status reg */And there it starts to get strange, because my stm8l052c6 does not have a NCR2 register.So I guess, that i need to set a correct define and the compiler takes all the necessary defines from a file.I also checked the MCU Selection in STVD. There is the correct one selected.As you can see, i also tried to define the NCR2 but if i do so, the write command kills the running program.So please can someone help me with this problem. ThanksAndi2015-08-17 11:41 AM
2015-08-17 1:20 PM
Hello luca,
thanks for the fast reply. As it is mentioned in the manual, I manually added the library to the linker file. I attached the linker file. And i changed the settings in STVD under ''Linker/Input'' to use a custom .lkf file, so that it is not overwritten every time. Maybe there is also another option to include thelibl0.sm8 library directly with STVD, but i could not find it in the short time. With this step, the linker was not asking for the FLASH_NCR2 definition any more. But anyway there is still a problem with the write procedure. The controller still stops when i try to perform a write procedure to the eeprom. Is there more to do? And is it normal, that i still have to define FLASH_CR2 andFLASH_IAPSR by my own. Regards, Andi ________________ Attachments : project_st_-_Kopie.lkf : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006Htrf&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000aY4%2FwENcG1AEkv09cQbh.tau8vlSK411CEYlJzBxi1F.LPY&asPdf=false2015-08-18 12:56 AM
Today I also found this instructions inside the flash-library:
=============================================================================== Functions to be executed from RAM =============================================================================== All the functions defined below must be executed from RAM exclusively, except for the FLASH_WaitForLastOperation function which can be executed from Flash. Steps of the execution from RAM differs from one toolchain to another: - For Cosmic Compiler: 1- Define a segment FLASH_CODE by the mean of '' #pragma section (FLASH_CODE)''. This segment is defined in the stm8l15x_flash.c file. 2- Uncomment the ''#define RAM_EXECUTION (1)'' line in the stm8l15x.h file, or define it in Cosmic compiler preprocessor to enable the FLASH_CODE segment definition. 3- In STVD Select Project\Settings\Linker\Category ''input'' and in the RAM section add the FLASH_CODE segment with ''-ic'' options. 4- In main.c file call the _fctcpy() function with first segment character as parameter ''_fctcpy('F');'' to load the declared moveable code segment (FLASH_CODE) in RAM before execution. 5- By default the _fctcpy function is packaged in the Cosmic machine library, so the function prototype ''int _fctcopy(char name);'' must be added in main.c file.Is it necessary to execute it from RAM? How can i add this segement in the list and with which commands?Could it look like this? (part out of lkf-file) I added this line by my own.# Segment Ram:+seg .data -b 0x100 -m 0x4ff -n .data+seg .bss -a .data -n .bss+seg .FLASH_CODE -a .data -n .FLASH_CODE -ic#<END SEGMENT_CONF>2015-08-20 10:21 AM
I solved my problem. I forgot to unlock my EEPROM. Sorry and thanks for the first hint. This one was necessary.