2014-01-04 06:58 AM
I would like to know that if the SWIM output on the STM8L discovery board can be used to program/debug other STM8/STM32 Boards? instead of the STM8L chip on the same PCB.Thanks2014-01-13 08:03 AM
''I would like to know that if the SWIM output on the STM8L discovery board can be used to program/debug other STM8/STM32 Boards?'' No, I doubt it. The SWIM port on the STM8 is a target device - you need a SWIM host. It is not easy implementing a SWIM host/programmer - I know I am still working on one in a STM32F4052015-03-06 07:19 PM
If you are asking how to use embedded stm8l-discovery st-link for programming/debugging other stm8 chip , you should refer to page 12 of UM0970 and connect SWIM dedicated pins to SWIM related pins of target chip , that's easy .