2012-07-26 12:57 AM
Hi Guys,
I'd like to work on multiple projects at the same time using STVD. But it does not permit to open a second instance. I dug in to the options and help, but couldn't find any clue about this subject. Is there a way to enable multiple instances of STVD?Thanks in advance.Related Tools:
ST Visual Develop (v4.3.1)2012-08-08 4:41 AM
Hello Murat,
only one instance of STVD can be running on a PC. This is a known limitation which each STVD release note keeps affirming, so I think that there is no hope to have two (or more) STVD instaces running at the same time. Regards, EtaPhi2012-08-14 12:54 PM
Thanks EtaPhi,
I think the only way to have multiple instances, is to run them on separate virtual machines, which will clearly have license issues (you can use the dongle only for one machine at a time).I hope they'll fix this in the near future.2012-08-14 9:54 PM
Hello Murat.
STVD can freely installed, so there is no licensing issue. The real limitation lies in the way STVD connects itself with the hardware, since only one debugging device (dongle) can be used. I hope too that ST will remove this limitation in the near future, since it makes more difficult to develop a data exchange protocol between two devices. EtaPhi2012-08-15 12:21 AM
Hello EtaPhi,
I expressed myself a bit wrong. The license issues are related to compiler not to STVD itself.Even with Microchip MPLABX you can differantiate which Debugger you want to use (with their serial numbers). (Although MPLABX and the new compiler is just sh*t. Lots of bugs underneath them)Virtual Machine solves that problem if you have two debuggers. One can connect to a virtual machine and the other one can connect to host.I've never tried this but I'll give it a shot if I can get a temporary license from Cosmic. (Or maybe I can switch the HASP Key constantly at compile time.)