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Forum Posts

assert & Str2Int

Posted on August 01, 2012 at 16:21I am trying to use assert () to check amd make sure that my input is an integer.  I assign char choice[15]; u32 a; u8 n;  then I write n=Str2Int (*choice, *a); and it don't work, error bad argument type.   If I chan...

carnett1 by Associate II
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Problems with EWSTM8 of IAR

Posted on June 25, 2012 at 21:33I have a project with STM8L151 and I have a dozen of quality issues with EWSTM8. Since a few days ago, after the upgrade to Win7, I have been facing consantly crashes. It seems to me as it happens because of  LiveVie...

elil by Associate III
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issue with stm8s207rbt6 and eeprom

Posted on July 24, 2012 at 15:13Hi, I'm using stm8s library 1.1.1.Cosmic C 4.2.10 Compiler.the mcu is stm8s207rbt6 I'm experiencing an issue writing a byte in the data eeprom while I'm receiving data on the uart3 (tried also on the uart1 and it's th...

Bug in ADC1_GetConversionValue() ?

Posted on February 20, 2012 at 12:46I was trying to get the ADC working on an STM8S discovery, but left and right alignment setting of the ADC gives different results. In the file stm8s_adc1.c of the standard firmware library there is:/* Left alignm...

klaasdc by Associate II
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Measuring Temperature without Vref external!

Posted on July 12, 2012 at 14:23Hi All,I'm using STM8L152R8 for an application and I need to measure the temperature by ADC but the problem is the external reference voltage has to be off for some cases and in these times I need to get temperature w...

konay61 by Associate II
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Bug in UART1_GetITStatus() of peripheral library 2.0.0

Posted on July 11, 2012 at 19:00According to what is documented on declaration of UART1_IT_TypeDef in file stm8s_uart1.h it seems the function UART1_GetITStatus() calculate a wrong mask for the IT flags. The UART1_IT_TypeDef says the lables were dec...

Timer1 reset on trigger

Posted on July 07, 2012 at 20:24I found something very funny/weird when using TIM1 to measure the frequency of a signal: Set TIM2 and TIM1 to use the same prescaler (e.g. 8). TIM2 is configured to generate PWM with period 10000, in this case resulti...

klaasdc by Associate II
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