2009-06-15 11:33 PM
Raisonance CodeCompressor through STVD 4.1.2
2011-05-17 6:03 AM
I have noticed that the just released STVD 4.1.2 support the Raisonance's codecompressor. I found this feature very useful so I go immediatly to test it. Unfortunately it hang without end on my personal computer at: [...] LINK/LOCATE RUN COMPLETE, NO ERROR FOUND. ccompst7_7.exe Debug\program.aof -O(Debug\program.aof) -AOF -NOHEX -C -T(2) [...] It is also eat the 50% of my AthlonX2 5600+ (2,9Ghz). Could anyone point me at workaround? Thanks! Ciao, Alessio2011-05-17 6:03 AM
Hi Bogani,
The code compressor with STVD use the defined option: -AOF -NOHEX -C -T(2) if you have an issue with this configuration you can check an other specific option by running the command line: The command line syntax is: \Bin\ccompst7_7.exe aofname [options] Where options may be: -C complete process (in lining, factorizing, saving) -I inlining process without any limitation -IN(value) inlining process with number of in lined functions limited up to value -F factorizing process without any limitation -FN(value) factorizing process with a number of factorizations limited up to value -FS(value) factorizing process with a minimum gain of value bytes per factorization -FD(value) factorizing process with a maximum gain of value bytes per factorization -LF log file generation -T(variant) Define the processor variant: 0 for ST7 (default) and 2 for STM8. -V(level) verbose level on level value -[NO]AOF generate [not] an OMF-ST7 file (default is NOAOF) -[NO]HEX generate [not] a HEX file (default is HEX) -[NO]BIN generate [not] a BINARY file (default is NOBIN) Regards mozra