2009-08-24 11:46 PM
loosing byte at uart receiving
2011-05-17 6:04 AM
I'm using a STM8S105S6 with a UART communication. Baudrate is 9600. If I send a data stream to my controller from PC and every data byte of my stream is incremented by one, everything works well. I can receive all the 117 bytes of the data stream. If I try to send a data stream with almost all bytes are 0x00, a lot of bytes of my datastream are not received by my controller. (about 20 bytes are missing). Does anybody know the reason for that? Thank you for help! gb2011-05-17 6:04 AM
Hi Gerald,
What are the receiver type (Controller) and the toolchaine (IDE+Compiler)used in your application? Can you please check the same test without optimization? Thank you to keep us informed by the test result. Regards mozra2011-05-17 6:04 AM
I'm using the ST Visual Develop V4.1.2. Help window: STVD MainFrame Version - Build May 6 2009 stvabbld.dll, Version: stv7abbld.dll, Version: STVD_TxtEditor.dll, Version: addonide.ini, Version: Rel 4.0, Date: 19 February 2008 ProgrammerAddOn.dll, Version: st7expor.dll, Version: The toolchain is Raisonance. I use Rlink and our target board. With default optimazation (no optimazation) even more bytes are missing (about 50). The device is STM8S105S6 Uart_2. I hope this inforamtion helps. Thank you gb