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Interrupt voltage and current

Mike Bounds
Associate II
Posted on January 31, 2018 at 21:55

Where do I find (manual and section/table) the voltage required to set external interrupt to low and high and also the minimum and maximum current.  I am looking for this information for the STM8L152C6, so something like voltage needs to below 1v to be low and above 2V to be high and minimum current required.



Posted on January 31, 2018 at 22:24


Like the VIL and VIH numbers based on VDD , and Input Leakage Current?

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Senior II
Posted on January 31, 2018 at 23:19

The datasheet should specify input low and input high voltage thresholds . For 5v devices generally 20 and 80 percent of vdd, for St pins.

Mike Bounds
Associate II
Posted on February 01, 2018 at 00:41

Thanks for replies - this is what I was looking for voltage, but still not sure about current - I found 'Table 38. I/O static characteristics' which shows:

VIL - Input low level voltage Max = 0.3 x VDD

VIH - Input high level voltage Min = 0.7 x VDD

So this make sense - for interrupts,  to set low, Voltage will need to be less than 30% and to set high voltage needs to be higher than 70%, but what is the min and max that the current will need to be - i.e. won't I need to put a resistor on the GPIO min to limit the current, but not limit too much so that it is too small?

Posted on February 01, 2018 at 01:26

Current is going to be negligible, load is typically quoted in capacitance, ie resistance to change. Holding a transistor in a high or low state is quoted at 200nA

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