2018-01-31 12:55 PM
Where do I find (manual and section/table) the voltage required to set external interrupt to low and high and also the minimum and maximum current. I am looking for this information for the STM8L152C6, so something like voltage needs to below 1v to be low and above 2V to be high and minimum current required.
#interrupt2018-01-31 1:24 PM
Like the VIL and VIH numbers based on VDD , and Input Leakage Current?
2018-01-31 2:19 PM
The datasheet should specify input low and input high voltage thresholds . For 5v devices generally 20 and 80 percent of vdd, for St pins.
2018-01-31 3:41 PM
Thanks for replies - this is what I was looking for voltage, but still not sure about current - I found 'Table 38. I/O static characteristics' which shows:
VIL - Input low level voltage Max = 0.3 x VDDVIH - Input high level voltage Min = 0.7 x VDD
So this make sense - for interrupts, to set low, Voltage will need to be less than 30% and to set high voltage needs to be higher than 70%, but what is the min and max that the current will need to be - i.e. won't I need to put a resistor on the GPIO min to limit the current, but not limit too much so that it is too small?
2018-01-31 5:26 PM
Current is going to be negligible, load is typically quoted in capacitance, ie resistance to change. Holding a transistor in a high or low state is quoted at 200nA