2016-10-25 11:18 PM
Hi guys,
I use STM8S105K4 in our project. For power saving, it should enter in HALT mode, but IWDG will run out and reset the MCU. STM8S doesn't have the IWDG_HALT bit in OPTION bytes, anyone knows how to stop IWDG before enter HALT mode on STM8S??Thanks for any help!!!! #stm8s-halt-iwdg2017-10-23 05:22 AM
I don't think you can do this. However, dependign on your requirements, one of these alternatives might work for you:
1) Use the WWDG instead of the IWDG. Drawback: Less protection from hardware faults.
2) Use the AWU to periodically wake up and kick the IWDG. Drawback: Increased power consumption.