2011-08-05 3:26 AM
The GPIO struct is defined but it is not initialized before it is used in main. Everything works but I am stuck with trying to find a value that I can use in GPIO_Init. GPIOx->CR2 is OR'd with another value and I don't know where to get the initial value GPIOx->CR2. The only thing I can think is that a random number is in that address.
This is in the given program that comes with the firmware. I am new to C and this is probably a simple problem. Thanks, Chris In the main function that comes with the Discovery microcontroller. The first thing that main does is to call GPIO_Init. I have included it here.void GPIO_Init(GPIO_TypeDef* GPIOx,
uint8_t GPIO_Pin, GPIO_Mode_TypeDef GPIO_Mode) { /*----------------------*/ /* Check the parameters */ /*----------------------*/assert_param(IS_GPIO_MODE(GPIO_Mode));
assert_param(IS_GPIO_PIN(GPIO_Pin));/* Reset crresponding bit to GPIO_Pin in CR2 register */
GPIOx->CR2 &= (uint8_t)(~(GPIO_Pin));/*-----------------------------*/
/* Input/Output mode selection */ /*-----------------------------*/if ((((uint8_t)(GPIO_Mode)) & (uint8_t)0x80) != (uint8_t)0x00) /* Output mode */
{ if ((((uint8_t)(GPIO_Mode)) & (uint8_t)0x10) != (uint8_t)0x00) /* High level */ { GPIOx->ODR |= GPIO_Pin; } else /* Low level */ { GPIOx->ODR &= (uint8_t)(~(GPIO_Pin)); } /* Set Output mode */ GPIOx->DDR |= GPIO_Pin; } else /* Input mode */ { /* Set Input mode */ GPIOx->DDR &= (uint8_t)(~(GPIO_Pin)); } I think you can see that GPIOx->CR2 and GPIOx->ODR and GPIOx->DDR are being used to set bits.(Outlined in RED) My thinking is that they are not initialized by the function GPIO_Init yet so any number that happens to be in that address could be used. I am a beginner in both uC's and C. Thanks for your help. Chris #initialize-a-structure #memory-mapped-peripherals2011-08-06 12:00 AM
Can you show an example to illustrate what you're talking about?
''I am new to C'' Are you also new to programming in general, and/or to microcontrollers, and/or digital electronics?2011-08-08 9:27 AM
2011-08-08 11:09 PM
''Thanks for responding to my post.''
You're welcome. ''I am new to C and uC's'' Don't try to learn too much new stuff all at once! It might be easier to learn the 'C' programming language on a PC or other ''normal'' platform before moving on to apply it to microcontrollers... Some 'C' starting tips here: ''have some experience in digital electronics'' So are you familiar with the concept of memory-mapped IO? It means that the IO registers appear in the CPU's normal memory map as normal memory locations - so the CPU accesses the peripherals just with normal memory reads & writes. Therefore, by locating 'C' variables at these locations, your 'C' program can access the peripheral registers by just accessing the variables. This is what the code you showed is doing - using a struct to group all the registers of a port together. Therefore you do not initialise the structure - reading the structure just gives the values from the hardware registers!2011-08-09 1:36 AM
''memory-mapped IO ... using a struct to group all the registers of a port together''
Note that this is a very common & widely used technique.
2011-08-09 3:15 AM