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GDB Source Code?

Associate II
Posted on September 29, 2016 at 09:33

Hi !

Several years ago, the source of GDB was availabe as a download from ST (found in the forum, but not available anymore). I think nobody achieved to get the debugger running in Eclipse due to the missing MI interface yet.

The STM8 is still a great product (and will ever be) but it is not possible to use GDB7 outside STVD. ST did not update the code since years.

And ST does not provide the (old and former downloadable) source anymore. Why? I also did not get the code on request.

We are buying ST72, STM8 and STM32 for more than 12 years now! I still have to use STVD for debugging with STLINK (I know Raisonnance of course).

I will stick to COSMIC in any case. Presently I code in Eclipse with all available plugins (egit, Bugzilla etc.) with some workarounds (suppress the parser @-issue), auto compile on save and then debug with STVD with the same sources in the workspace. It works fine because I am used to it...

We use Atollic and STLINK for STM32, perfect. Why does ST not provide a working debugger for STM8 with SWIM??

STM8 is a highrunner. But the IDEs with debugging support are oldskool due to lack of features. 

I would like to get the source to implement the missing MI in GDB since ST does not do it.

Any suggestions? Any source code available?

Posted on October 21, 2016 at 08:55


GDB is an open source tool (licensed under GPL) so the source must be made avilable to public...

Associate II
Posted on October 22, 2016 at 01:25

Hi HaJo

Im actually trying to do the same thing.

Please send me an email to infoHereShouldBeTheAtCharacteRblselectronicsANDTHEDOTch

I will provide you the requested Source-Codes :)


Posted on December 21, 2016 at 09:16

Is there any news on this one?

The source code package available here:


Is outdated. It contains the GDB with ST internal version v3.9.16 while they are shipping the version 3.9.16 with the current STVD...

GDB is an open source tool licensed with the terms of GPL v2. This require to share the source code with the community:

  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether

gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that

you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the

source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
Posted on February 15, 2017 at 09:23


managed to get the latest sources from ST.

Thank you very much to him for sharing it and shame on ST for not publicly making it available.

I have put it here:


It could be easily compared to the latest available by diffing that branch to master.