2010-07-19 10:08 PM
Here is a FORTH interpreter-compiler for Discovery Board. It is in the form of an assembly file stm8ef.asm. You can assemble it on STVD and download it to Discovery. You need a UART connection to Hyperterminal on PC to interact with STM8S microcontroller.
If you are lucky enough, or persist enough to get it going, the whole Hyperterminal project will be reduced to 6 lines of FORTH code:1 500F C! ; turn off LED
0 500F C! ; turn on LED
3E 50F3 C! ; turn on 1 KHz beep
7E 50F3 C! ; turn on 2 KHz beep
FE 50F3 C! ; turn on 4 KHz beep
1E 50F3 C! ; turn off beep
This is how microcontrollers are to be used. Good luck, Ting.2011-01-04 12:00 AM
What do you think of this kind of assembler? ( HLAA )
Does it appeal to you? It's also universal for other cpus include ARM, 8051.... 8: init.stm8s ( 0357 AE 07 CF ) X=7CF ( 035A 94 ) SP=X ( 035B BF 24 ) r24=X ( 035D AE 07 80 ) X=780 ( 0360 BF 22 ) r22=X ( 0362 35 01 50 11 ) r5011=1 ( 0366 35 03 50 12 ) r5012=3 ( 036A 35 01 50 13 ) r5013=1 ( 036E 72 12 50 C5 ) r50C5.1=1 ( 0372 35 B4 50 C4 ) r50C4=0B4 ( 0376 72 07 50 C5 FB ) 0376 r50C5.3=0? ( 037B 72 17 50 C5 ) r50C5.3=0 ( 037F 35 02 52 43 ) r5243=2 ( 0383 35 68 52 42 ) r5242=68 ( 0387 35 00 52 44 ) r5244=0 ( 038B 35 00 52 46 ) r5246=0 ( 038F 35 0C 52 45 ) r5245=0C ( 0393 81 ) RET2011-01-17 5:40 PM
A win32for4.2.671 based stm8s eForth development system can be found on the web site. The development process is simple, just type H to see the operation.
This system is capable of develop the stm8s eForth as well as 8bit/16bit tinyForth that accompanying with stm8s eForth. Besides that, you don't have to design it in forth language, it can be treated as an assembler that can develop the program in an easy read/write style which is completely diferrent from the traditional ones. The same approach can also be used in diferrent cpus such as 8051, ARM, ... It's a revolutionary reformation of the assembly language you've ever seen, and it's universal. you could find it on the web site below with the folder name: stm8s discovery. the main file is stm8s69d.f. Just load it, and type H, then words' to see the whole things behind.2011-01-21 11:09 AM
Hi Chang.jyijinn,
I cant not find this file, I did the login in yahoogroups, and I dont find the file or not understand exactly how to obtain. are there other option to obtain information about Forth, I always program with asm and I'm interested. Thanks2011-01-31 5:54 PM
hi, there.
It's easy to find the folder name to get the main file. From which you could find the including file needed to couple with main file to work with. Firstly by reading the ...lst.f to see what all the things inside the memory to appeal to you if you'd like you'll be willing to indulge into this interseting assembly language as well as tinyFoth. holi2017-12-31 10:21 AM
Posted on December 31, 2017 at 18:21
aouinet.slim wrote:
Nice job, I need to save my new words in flash now
Just for the records: that bit was solved about 6 years later.
Check out https://github.com/TG9541/stm8ef