2012-06-01 4:18 AM
I'm trying to evaluate the use of the ''Flash Loader Demonstrator'' together with a STM8S105 (''STM8S_Discovery'' Eval Board). I attached a MAX232 board to communicate via RS232 (PC) with the UART2. All of this works fine on my own Communications routines. But when I try to use the Flash Loader, after setting the MCU in ''Boot Mode'', I always get error messages (like ''unrecognized device ... Please reset and try again''). My settings: 1) I used ''ST Visual Programmer'' to fix the Option Byte: ''BootLoader: Enabled''. I also read this ''tab'' with this STVP after, to confirm what I have done: it's OK, BootLoader keeps Enabled. 2) On Flash Loader: COM1, 115200, Parity:None, Echo: Echo Enabled, Timeout: 5s ...are these setting corrects for this device? ...(on UM0560 Manual I read STM8S-32K devices, UART2 settings for Boot Mode are like this, in ''reply'' mode ...) I suppose ''reply'' corresponds to Echo Enabled on Flash Loader, isn't it? 3) I reset the device (unplug and plug USB for Discovery Board supply), and then click ''Next'' on first screen of the Flash Loader, and I get always the error message. 4) I also tried the opposite: first click ''Next'', and 2nd reset power supply on Discovery board, but I also get error message. What am I doing wrong? Is there any other application (free) to evaluate RS232 Flash programming of this device? Thank you, 3) #stm8s #flash-loader-demonstrator