2011-10-09 6:26 PM
I found if i disable the SWUART_TRANSMIT_USED ,it will hang in TIMERx_UPD_OVF_BRK_IRQHandler and can not run out of it. In this function:
#ifdef SWUART_TRANSMIT_USED uart_Tx_timing(); #endif The clear_owerflow_flag define is called in uart_Tx_timing, so should i move this sentence out? void TIM2_UPD_OVF_BRK_IRQHandler(void) interrupt 13 { clear_owerflow_flag; #ifdef SWUART_TRANSMIT_USED uart_Tx_timing(); #endif } Thanks, Cgha2011-10-09 6:29 PM
I only want to use rx pin,so tx need to be disabled,How to diable Tx function
2011-10-09 7:05 PM
Can the uart be waked up by rx pin change?
2011-10-10 12:15 AM
I've commented the sentence
TIM2_ITConfig(TIM2_IT_UPDATE, ENABLE);\ in init_UART_timing,it seems ok. So I think here need a ifdef SWUART_TRANSMIT_USED to comment out the Tx function and this can also lead to lower cpu consumption.