2019-08-14 9:05 PM
I'v downloaded stvd tools from st official web and installed stvp & stvd simutaneously. After that, stvp can be opened, but not stvd. It shows the message as below when click the stvp icon to try to open it.
I'v tried many times reinstalling this tool, but still not work.
Did anyone had the same issue before?
Translate the Chinese on this pic, as follow:
Application can't be lauched, because the parallel configuration of this application is incorrect. For more detail, please refer to the log of the application, or use the tool of sxstrace.exe in command line.
2019-08-15 11:12 PM
Issue fixed after reboot the windows which update something automatically. So I guess it's the issue caused by windows not the tool itself.