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STM8L151F3U6TR comparator 1 register not writeable.

HelloI'm using an STM8L151F3U6TR. A lot of things are working fine.But the comparator 1 seems not to work.It seems not possible to write its registers.If I execute the following code with debugger, then "dummy" changes from 0xFF to 0x00.I would have ...

EStud.1 by Associate
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STM8S ADC Scan Mode not updating

I am able to read my two ADC inputs individually when I implement the code shown in this example:, the ADC values in the buffers do not seem to be getting updated when I try to ge...

KDesr.1 by Associate II
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STM8S003F3U outputs behaving weirdly during BOR.

I have been working on a battery powered application and am experiencing some strange behavior when the batteries are dying. The LED array is being driven by a PWM signal on PD4 through a FET. When the +4V power line goes down to 2.6xx V, all of th...

KDesr.1 by Associate II
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Behavior of X/Y indexed addressing modes on the STM8

I'm trying to write an emulator for the STM8 MCU family. Most of the opcodes are implemented, but it's doing things I don't expect, and I think the problem lies in some of my addressing mode implementations. The following questions seem obvious, but ...

MCham.3 by Associate II
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UART Even Parity gives parity error

Hi,I'm using STM8S for UART half duplex communication (single wire). I'm using the standard library to set the UART up in 9600 baud rate, 8 data bit, even parity and 1 stop bit. I recieve data using interrupts. On the third byte, I get a parity error...

DDeba.1 by Associate III
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STM8CubeMx and IDE

I just started to working on STM8L162. I worked on STM32 SO, I searched the tool like STM32cube MX for STM8 and I got it. STM8CubeMX does not support the code generation yet. So , is there any other tool for STM8? From where I can download the driver...

AP_040 by Senior
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