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why STVD is getting crash frequently

Hi,I am using window 10 version. Initially STVD was working well. Now from few days its not working. Automatically workspace get deleted, not generated. STVD starts not responding error. Automatically get closed. I am using COSMIC compiler.Then later...

Ajadh.1 by Associate II
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Not able to vary duty cycle and frequency of pwm

Hi,I am using STM8S105c6 , I have used timer1 software interrupt, to generate PWM. but I am not able yo control it, not duty cycle not frequency plz check code give and correct me.Thanks in Advance/* * BMSBattery S series motor controllers firmware *...

Ajadh.1 by Associate II
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Timers - should I "wait" before updating ARR after UEV?

Hi =) Short version: should there be time (cycles) between updating ARR/CCR registers and generating an update event by setting the UG bit in TIMx_EGR?Long version:I am using one timer, which is automatically enabled (triggered) by another timer.I ma...

SLasn.1 by Associate III
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Not Able to toggle GPIO

Hello Dear,I am using STM8S105C6 microcontroller and want to toggle the GPIO, But I am not able to do this.Will you please help

Ajadh.1 by Associate II
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Getting out of interrupts stop the software from running.

I'm using STM8AF5288 and the COSMIC as my IDE.Everything working great accept for interrupts using.The interrupt are being fired as I accept but on returning from the interrupt the PC is out of the program memory addresses.It is happening with extern...

Ofer by Associate III
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delay not occuring

I am trying to generate a delay in STM8s103 using Timer peripheral TIM2.but on equating the values to the Prescaler register(PSCR) and ARR. that is not happeninglike I debugged my code step by step and on seeing the values of TIM2 registers, they ar...

KGupt.1 by Associate III
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Implement oversampling.

HI guys, i am using stm8s003f3.which have 10bit adc but my application count is more than i am looking for some sample code of oversampling to reduce my adc step size.if anyone have any sample or reference plzz do suggest n tell me how to imp...

MAnsa.1 by Associate II
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Not able to generate 6 step pwm signal using timer1

Hi,I am working with stm8s105c6 controller. I want to generate 6 PWM using timer1. For that I am using 6 step PWM sample. I am getting pwm at pc1, pc2, pc3 but complementry pwm at pb0, pb1, and pb2 is not available.At pb0, pb1 and pb2 I am constantly...

Ajadh.1 by Associate II
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