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Forum Posts

ADC temperature dependence. Broken or defective?

Our company has developed a thermostat based on a microcontroller STM8L151K4T6. Many thermostats from the manufacturer were rejected. The analysis showed that the microcontroller does not correctly measure the voltage at the external terminals. The m...

OMaks.1 by Associate
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How does the function work? void Delay(void action(void), int NumberofTIMCycles); and how the NumberodTIMCycles always hold the value 10. while there is no declare any

/** ****************************************************************************** * @file main.c * @brief Adjustable LED blinking speed using STM8S-DISCOVERY touch sensing key * Application example. * @author STMicroelectronics - MCD Application Tea...

Mkuma.12 by Associate II
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ADC Accuracy

Hi Guys, i am using STM8S003F3 controller and i want to that how can i achive 0.1v accuracy when my ADC resolution is 1023 and my total count is 2000.

MAnsa.1 by Associate II
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6 step PWM program is not working

Hi,I am using stm8s discovery board with stm8s105c6 microcontroller. I am using 6 step PWM generation sample code bu using stm8s_periperal_library.I am able to generate PWM at PC2, PC4 only but I am not getting PWM at other pins and not even compl...

Ajadh.1 by Associate II
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TIM4 and I2C don't work together

I have a Arduino Mega and a STM8S003F3. I set up I2C communication between them. Arduino Mega is master. STM8S is slave. STM8S runs at 3.3V. Arduino Mega I2C clock frequency is the default(100KHz). TIM4 goes into interrupt every 1ms.If I don't enable...

AMehm.1 by Associate
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Shortage of the STM8L series worldwide?

Hi :) I have been designing a device for the STM8L151, and I hope to start production of the first 1000 units soon. But it seems the stock amounts are getting smaller and smaller?On DigiKey for example there are only 4 versions of the STM8L151 which ...

SLasn.1 by Associate III
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RTC clock not starting consistenly

Hi everyone, I'm using the STM8L152R8 Nucleo board and trying to get the RTC running on the LSE clock. It works but only inconsistenly, about 2/3 runs error out in the RTC_EnterInitMode function of the SPL the below line. RTC_EnterInitMode is called ...

TConl.1 by Associate II
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