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Forum Posts

STM8L052R8 Watchdog Timer Issue

I have configured the watchdog for the maximum duration possible, i.e, 1.7 sec. void watchdog_init(void){CLK_ICKCR |= CLK_ICKR_LSION;IWDG_KR = 0x55; IWDG_PR = 6; IWDG_RLR = 0xFF;IWDG_KR = 0xCC; }But it seems to be resetting in around 26 - 28 ms. I ha...

LIS3DH Auxiliary ADC using STM8 is giving constant value

HiI am working on a project where we are reading the battery level on the ADC1 of LIS3DH. This value I need to read using STM8L051F3P. I am using SDCC compiler. I am able to read the WHO_AM_I register. I am also able to set the accelerometer threshol...

SDhare by Associate
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Error:1935 Microsoft C++ 2005 redistributable (x64)

Dear Sir, We are trying to install the STVP-STM8 and are facing error:1935 Microsoft C++ 2005 redistributable (x64).Unable to install STVP-STM8 in the system. Operating System details:Window 11 Pro, 64 Bit Can anyone help us to resolve this error?

SSAvani by Associate
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decode RF433 controls

Olá, estou usando o STM8S003 e preciso decodificar controles com o código de salto do protocolo. Alguém pode me ajudar? Obrigado!

Debugging STM8AF series processor

I got an ECU from an manufacturer, I was very interested in extracting the firmware from the ECU .They have used STM8AF controller , Open-OCD doesn't have support for the controller. Please reply I you guys have any idea about debugging the controlle...

Lipson by Associate
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Resolved! STM8S208 SPI

Hello, I'm using STM8S208 to receive 16 bit data in SPI slave. The SPI_DR is 8 bits. The master FPGA is sending 16 bits data, otherwise don't have enough luts.Is there anyway to solve this?

QIN_123 by Associate
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STM8 application crashes after adding some unused functions

We are building code for our STM8S208RB (using SDCC), and we have noticed some behaviour we can't explain.We first observed that our program suddenly stopped working after we included a new file that contained some functions, but none of those were a...

mvq by Associate
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Resolved! stm8s cannot edit SPL file in project

As the subject mentions, I have a project in ST Visual Develop and I added the SPL files to the same location as the project. Once I add the files to the project and try to uncomment my specific stm8 it simply doesnt let me. I try editing the other f...

sebbs by Associate II
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