how stlinkv2 reset the mcu
I connect the stlinkv2 to stm8. then the reset button on board not work, Is there a way to reset the stm8 using stlinkv2?. thanks
I connect the stlinkv2 to stm8. then the reset button on board not work, Is there a way to reset the stm8 using stlinkv2?. thanks
I am a starter for stm8 mcus I installed STVD and COSMİC C Compiler. at first step -i can not save my project-i can not uncomment my mcu in stm8s.h header fileI get an error message "Access to C:Users\R&P\Desktop\first\inc\stms.h"Access to C:Users\R...
char shiftdata=8;shiftdata=_asm("rlc a",shiftdata).I am trying to rotate left through carry value 8, expecting output of 16. When I debug the code, I am getting shiftdata value as zero, instead of 16.Can you help me with this?
I am using STVD and Cosmic Compiler and after add some #include files, the "Control + space" stop working. It doesn´t find the SPL (StdPeriph_Lib) function anymore. Hope anyone to solve this problem. Thanks
hi,I installed STVD and Cosmic C mopiler. I downloaded SPL from ST website.created first project.installed SPL soruce files and include files.I will uncomment line #define STM8S003 (line49) but compiler gives error."Please select first the target ST...
I am trying to measure the frequency and duty cycle of a PWM input on TIM5 channel 1. My frequency is being measured correctly but the duty cycle is not. GPIO_Init(GPIOD, GPIO_PIN_4, GPIO_MODE_IN_FL_NO_IT); //PWM inputI am using the 16MHz HSI clock ...
Hi,I am a student who has recently started working with STM8s MCU's. Currently I am working with an STM8s207K8 Nucleo 32 development board, I am using STVD along with a cosmic toolchain to program my dev board. I am able to program the microcontrolle...