Hi,I am a student who has recently started working with STM8s MCU's. Currently I am working with an STM8s207K8 Nucleo 32 development board, I am using STVD along with a cosmic toolchain to program my dev board. I am able to program the microcontrolle...
I am using STM8S003F3. Currently my application requires sampling two ADC channels, which are interfaced with:1) Output of a resistor divider network which is routed directly to the microcontroller's ADC CH 32) Analog output of a sensor module PCB co...
I am using STM8S003F3. Currently my application requires sampling two ADC channels, which are interfaced with:1) Output of a resistor divider network which is routed directly to the microcontroller's ADC CH 32) Analog output of a sensor module PCB co...
Hi ST team, We bought 4500pcs STM8S007C8T6, COO is Malaysia, but MSL on the label is MSL 2, is it correct? Because we found official datasheet for this P/N is MSL 3. Could you please help explain why one P/N with two MSL? Thank you.
Using a resistor voltage divider (100k+47k) to break a range of 11V - 14V down to an ADC input range below 5V. For 11V i expect 3.5V, for 14V I expect it to be 4.5V.(see schematic)STM8s903 - ADC_IN_2 on PC4 (physical pin 14)IAR embedded workbench 3...
include "stm8s.h" #ifdef USE_FULL_ASSERT /** * @brief Reports the name of the source file and the source line number * where the assert_param error has occurred. * @param file: pointer to the source file name * @param line: a...