Hi All,I am using stm8s001j3 controller, PA1 and PA3 are using as a UART communication by using Remapping. i am able to send the data but unable to receive data. UART configuration is GPIO_DeInit(GPIOD);GPIO_Init(GPIOD, GPIO_PIN_6, GPIO_MODE_IN_PU_...
Program memory write stopped working for me. I tried with two STM8S005K6 chips. And everything works fine if I use some other STM8 chip. Getting below error when trying using STVP.Error : Programming failedError : Problem while trying to Reset swim a...
Hello, I'm having some problems with UART1 in STM8S001J3. I'm using the simple code below (the compilation is ok), but when I try to programming the MCU in STVP, a error happen and the MCU doesn't work anymore, even though I try to programming with a...
I try to disable the SWIM interface in a STM8AL3168 derivative, by setting the SWD bit of the global configuration register (CFG_GCR) = 1 in main().typedef struct CFG_struct{ __IO uint8_t GCR; /*!< Global Configuration register */}CFG_TypeDef;#define...
WIth the STVD software in Debug mode and connected to the STM8 MCU via the ST-LINK/V2, is there a STVD feature that displays register content? Thank you!
I'm using a TTC encoder connected to stm8s003f . TIM1 counts correctly until it reaches the value before the overflow value . After that it either jumps to 0 or it shows the overflow value. What is that due to?Thank you.