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How to correctly configure UART pins in asembler

Posted on December 17, 2012 at 22:07I'm willing to init UART in asm and not sure is it required to configure specific IO port pin as  output pin with Px_DDR and only then then I can use UART_TX  or the pin configures in output type automatically wh...

STM8S Discovery example not running (no interrupts)

Posted on December 14, 2012 at 23:05Hi,just got my STM8S Discovery board. I plugged the USB cable, it went alive and the LED was blinking. Touching the capsense button was working like a charm.So I downloaded the source code from the website, instal...

STM8 CAN filter Setup

Posted on December 13, 2012 at 23:08hello all I can not set up properly filters CAN STM8S I tried to put any value on CAN_FilterID1 .. 4 and CAN_FilterIDMask1 but does not work My goal is to pass only the standard ID 0x421 and 0x37A The piece of cod...

ktek by Associate
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STM8A Open Drain Pin Protection. Please Verify My Design

Posted on December 11, 2012 at 16:08Hello, attached is a picture of the power input of my circuit and the protection diodes I have implemented. This is an automotive device with a 12V nominal input, that will get voltage spikes of up to 60V during e...


Posted on December 08, 2012 at 14:52Hello All:      I have my STM8 Controller but i but not compile it using Keil,i need the software to compile my fireware and the software that is used for it...Can any one guide me for this problem..Th...


Posted on December 08, 2012 at 13:05Hello All      I have my new SYM8 board with me and i did know any peripheral example can any one guide me in the right direction... Thanks in advance  #stm8l-peripheral-library-bug

STM8 CAN, CAN bootloader

Posted on November 29, 2012 at 14:24Hello! Now I'm in search of design of my project and I really going to use STM8s208 MCS's. Im'm new to STM8 at all.I need a wired controller network, with about of 20 devices. Every device should be able at any ti...

urvindt by Associate
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STVD / Raisonance compiler - inspecting global variables

Posted on November 16, 2012 at 10:15When debugging an STM8 using the STM8S-Discovery I can't inspect global variables. When I set a break point and add a variable to the watch window in STVD, I get ''no debug info'' in the Value column. Local variab...

cnurton2 by Associate
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STM8 Slave : I2C Write and Read

Posted on November 14, 2012 at 14:35Hi all, I have an issue while the I2C-host writes and reads to/from the STM8-I2C-Slave. Write operation is immediately followed by a Read. 1) I2C Master writing to STM8-I2C-Slave      : s A2w a 0A a 47 a 40 a p 2)...

spveer by Associate II
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