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Forum Posts

STM8S105 _ EXTI interrupts

Posted on September 03, 2012 at 15:00Hi all. I'm developping an application on stm8S105S4, requiring among other peripherals, the use of 7 EXTI interrupts. -2 on port D -3 on port B -2 on port E. Scanning the forum, i ve read there is no ITpending f...

thibaut2 by Associate II
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Unable to compile STM32F4 demonstration

Posted on March 13, 2013 at 21:54I'm trying to compile the Demonstration sample from for my STM32F4, using Eclipse CDT and the GNU ARM Eclipse plugin. For more details and the Eclipse project, see Simply clone the project, and import the Ecli...

josef by Associate II
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STM8S003 Analog input failure

Posted on February 11, 2015 at 16:01Hi Sir,We have a lot of failures on STM8S003 during MP, where an analogue input stops functioning properly (reading value of the ADC is incorrect). Since the datasheets are not so clear, do you know if there is an...

STM8S003 Analog input failure

Posted on February 11, 2015 at 16:00We have a lot of failures on STM8S003 during MP, where an analogue input stops functioning properly (reading value of the ADC is incorrect). Since the datasheets are not so clear, do you know if there is any const...

Code size limitation bug in Cosmic compiler 4.3.13

Posted on February 04, 2015 at 10:36Hi folks We're using the 32k code-limited version of the Cosmic compiler: I've just downloaded the latest version 4.3.13 to ensure the bug exists in this, which it does... I suddenly had a report that my code had ...

jro by Associate III
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Stm8s discovery linux tool for stm8

Posted on January 06, 2015 at 15:55Hi guys, I am developing a tool for linux. grab it from : Its for amd64 machines, it will create a folder on /tmp (where it will hold the session...

lmx1 by Associate II
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Stm8s discovery linux tool for stm8

Posted on January 05, 2015 at 00:04Hi guys, I am developing a tool for linux. grab it from : Its for amd64 machines, it will create a folder on /tmp (where it will hold the session...

lmx1 by Associate II
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STM8L I²C problem with BTF

Posted on January 28, 2015 at 10:50Hi folks I've been debugging some code written by someone who susequently left the project, so I can't ask him... The code in question runs on an STM8L151G4, and concerns using it as an I²C slave, using interrupts...

jro by Associate III
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Timer 1 CC and Timer 2 as PWM

Posted on January 27, 2015 at 13:27Hi all, is it possible to run the Timer 1 in Capture Compare mode to detect the duty cycle of a PWM and the Timer 2 in Capture Compare mode to generate a PWM? Sadly in my project Timer 2 is not giving any output wh...