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wakeup function

Please some one help me to how to get controller from sleep the configuration I made is not working.The below given code working fine and putting the controller in sleep but controller not waking up.The condition depends on mains (ADC Input channel 5...

SRAM.11 by Associate III
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Storing Data in EEPROM on the STM8S003k3

Hi Everyone,I am using stm8s003k3 in one of my projects. I want to store a variable containing a  number from 0 to 999 in EEPROM but the issue is FLASH_ProgramByte & FLASH_ReadByte can only store a number up to 256. I tried to use FLASH_ProgramWord b...

KRiaz.1 by Associate II
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Cannot connect to STM8S105 after setting ROP

I have been developing a project around the STM8S105 and I've been able to read and write the program and data memory fine several times (so I know that my STLink and dev board work well). Today I set the read-out protection to do some testing and af...

JSimo.6 by Associate
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Can anyone find out that sleep mode in my code is correct

#include "stm8s.h" #include "stm8s_clk.h" #include "stm8s_adc1.h" #include "stm8s_gpio.h" #include "stm8s_tim2.h" #include "main.h" #include "flash.h" #include "stm8s_awu.h" volatile unsigned short _500ms_tick; volatile unsigned short idle_counte...

SRAM.11 by Associate III
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Why does Timer1 seem to have a slower clock?

I have a common function that I use to set up Timer 5 (I'm using it for PWM output, if it matters):timerCounts = CLK_GetClockFreq() / pow(2, TIM5_PRESALER_xx) / pwmFrequency;TIM5_TimeBaseInit(TIM5_PRESCALER_xx, timerCounts);And that works really well...

AWern.2 by Associate
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Stop iwdg in halt mode on STM8L051F3

HeyI have tried to use the option byte to stop the iwdg when i enter halt.I can see that i manage to set the WDG_HALTin option byte 3.But the watchdog still resets the MCU after i enter halt. Please help me, cant i do it? If so then how do i read tha...

PRasm.3 by Associate II
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