I want to use USART and use printf function to print message on hyper terminal. I am not really getting a clear idea about it by just following the sample code. Can someone please help me out?
I am using stvd . And realterm as my hyper terminal.
I am using stvd . And realterm as my hyper terminal.
I cannot get timer 1 channels 3 or 4 to output a PWM. Here is how I have it initializedstatic void _vBl_initGauge_PWM(void) { TIM1->PSCRH = (u8)((sBL_PWMoutConst.PSCR >> 8) & 0xFF); TIM1->PSCRL = (u8)sBL_PWMoutConst.PSCR; TIM1->ARRH = (u8...
Hi all. I am a complete newbie with regard to the world of the STM8 and the programming of it so there are very high odds that I will completely use the wrong terminology in order to express what I think I know and also what I am working to acheive.....
Hello,I'm designing a PCB using the STM8L152C6T6 communicating with an M24LR04E-RMC6T via the I2C protocol. Currently, I'm struggling to understand the power supply schema. According to the datasheet, VDD1, VDD2, and VDDA pins must be connected to an...
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I want to use the pin 5 of STM8S001J3 micro as open drain output. After properly setting the port data / direction / CR1 / CR2 registers (for both the I/Os tied to such pin), I tried to activate the alternate function of TIM2_CH3 on PA.3 , but I coul...
i installed the latest stvd, in windows 10.i try a program, for the discovery board., its ok with compling, and build, but when i want to debug, it say " connection error (usb:/usb):gdi-error (40201)can't access configuration databasei can read out t...
I am using STM8AF5288 microcontroller in one of my project. Is it possible to sense direct +12 signal input by port pins? I am using current limit resistor in Input.All the port pins in ST microcontroller have clamping diodes.Will i able to sense +12...
Pls provide suitable details.