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STM8S Printf retargeting doesn't like IAR Discard unused publics

Gordon Freeman

Hi all.

I'm trying to implement printf retargeting in my project, based on STM8S105 microcontroller.

I'm using IAR (3.10 & 2.20) and I'm utilizing printf retargeting example from ST. The problem is, if I try to compile the project with "Discard unused publics" option enabled, it stops working.

When I enable "Discard unused publics" option, I don't see any errors or warnings. I even decided to load original example from ST, and got the same results: with "Discard unused publics" option enabled retargeting stops working.

Can anyone give an Idea, what can cause such a problem?

Part of code, related to retargeting:


#define PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE int putchar (char c)

#define GETCHAR_PROTOTYPE int getchar (void)

#elif defined (_COSMIC_)

#define PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE char putchar (char c)

#define GETCHAR_PROTOTYPE char getchar (void)

#else /* _IAR_ */

#define PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE int extern putchar (int c)

#define GETCHAR_PROTOTYPE int getchar (void)

#endif /* _RAISONANCE_ */


 * @brief Retargets the C library printf function to the UART.

 * @param c Character to send

 * @retval char Character sent




 /* Write a character to the UART */


 /* Loop until the end of transmission */

 while (UART2_GetFlagStatus(UART2_FLAG_TXE) == RESET);

 return (c);



 * @brief Retargets the C library scanf function to the USART.

 * @param None

 * @retval char Character to Read




#ifdef _COSMIC_

 char c = 0;


 int c = 0;


 /* Loop until the Read data register flag is SET */

 while (UART2_GetFlagStatus(UART2_FLAG_RXNE) == RESET);

  c = UART2_ReceiveData8();

 return (c);
