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Forum Posts

STM8 Opcode Map

Attached is based on PM0044 'STM8 CPU programming manual' Doc ID 13590 Rev 3, 2011-09.LibreOffice Calc workbook with five sheets:1st Byte - instructions with no pre-code (i.e. opcode is one byte) or whose first byte is a pre-code (i.e. opcode is two ...

lloydb by Associate
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STM8S003F3 VIH and VIL levels

Hello all,I have an application based on the STM8S003F3 where invalid logic levels could appear on the UART RX line. (By design due to the ground offsets in a bigger system.) In some cases the UART misinterprets bytes mainly when the low level of the...

0690X000006C3dgQAC.png 0690X000006C3dlQAC.png


Is there any way to programm STM8 using a command line software ? I tried with ST-LINK_CLI but that is just for 32bits, no SWIM option

ionutF by Associate III
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Stm8s discovery board(STM8S105C6T6) DRIVERS

Hi,I just bought synes discovery board , and when I need drivers for it, I'm surprised.​Actually, I'm operating whiners XP,(still today) and drivers available on st. Com is only for Windows 7,8,10.So anyone please tell me where I can download drivers...

HM.80 by Associate II
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Cannot get timer1 channel 3 or 4 to PWM

I cannot get timer 1 channels 3 or 4 to output a PWM. Here is how I have it initializedstatic void _vBl_initGauge_PWM(void) { TIM1->PSCRH = (u8)((sBL_PWMoutConst.PSCR >> 8) & 0xFF); TIM1->PSCRL = (u8)sBL_PWMoutConst.PSCR; TIM1->ARRH = (u8...

Using SWIM and STM8S to send hex file to 24c64wp

Hi all. I am a complete newbie with regard to the world of the STM8 and the programming of it so there are very high odds that I will completely use the wrong terminology in order to express what I think I know and also what I am working to acheive.....

MFarl by Associate II
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Help with power supply of STM8L152C6T6 MCU

Hello,I'm designing a PCB using the STM8L152C6T6 communicating with an M24LR04E-RMC6T via the I2C protocol. Currently, I'm struggling to understand the power supply schema. According to the datasheet, VDD1, VDD2, and VDDA pins must be connected to an...