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Resolved! How to access STM8 cpu registers

HelloHow can I access STM8S CPU registers (Cosmic compiler)? When I write this "A = 0xff" (A is a processor register accumulator), then compiler writes this "#error cpstm8 main.c:17(3) A undefined". How to fix it?

Resolved! stm8, cpu register, cosmic

Hello How can I access CPU registers using the Cosmic compiler?For example, when I access register A, the compiler throws an error A is undefined (This is shown in the picture and also the project files).  


Resolved! The program is not executed in real time NUCLEO-8s208RB

When I run the program in debugging mode, everything works (I go through the steps and the program runs). When I run the program in real time, the program does not execute. What could be the reason? I use STVD and NUCLEO-8S208RB.

Cosmic stm8 license

Hello What time do they send the license for Cosmic? I've already been waiting for about 6 hours and there is no license.

ads1115 stm8 integration

hello,i am a beginner & i am trying integrate an external adc "ads1115" with stm8. the adc is an i2c device . i tried using peripheral library and also the register way. but its not working can anyone guide me the corect way to integrate this.this is...

niko27 by Associate II
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Resolved! IAR can not find STM8S103F2this chip

Hi teams,I want to use IAR(8.50)to develop STM8S103F2 series chip, but i can not find this chip at IAR setting, so how should I can do? download STM8S103 lib or others?thanks!

gavin3 by Associate II
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Is it possible soft reset to 0x6000 bootloader?

Is it possible soft reset to 0x6000 bootloader?without control reset pin I try these codes doesn't work: FLASH_Unlock(FLASH_MemType_Data);FLASH_ProgramOptionByte(0x480B, 0x55);FLASH_ProgramOptionByte(0x480C, 0xaa);FLASH_Lock(FLASH_MemType_Data);#asmL...

chenxuuu by Associate
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Dali 2 library.

Hello everyone,Does ST has Dali 2 library available for his customers?Best RegardsKarol

STM8S001J3 assembler

Hi. I'm writing assembler code for the STM8S001j3. The data sheet recommends setting ports E5 & F4 to lo for power useage & EMC reasons. However the .asm & .inc files called up do not define ports E or F. The same goes for the peripheral enable  regi...

johnbe by Associate II
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