Posted on November 17, 2017 at 14:08Hello,i'm searching for the Source Code of the EVAL Board STEVAL-ILD004V2 with STM8S103F2 Controller?I can only found the compiled Firmware.Can anybody help me?Best Regards,Stefan#steval-ild004v2-source-code?
The image below, is of a SNES Classic (Super Nintendo Classic) controller's PCB. I can't seem to find out exactly what MC its using, all it really says is STM8mhz. On LCSC and digikey, they don't even have any 8mhz STM8 MCs, only 16 and 24mhz. This i...
According to the datasheet the RTC_ISR1_RSF bit is by hardware when the shadow regs are updated. Is it safe to assume that the shadow regs will not be updated when the RSF bit is already set?
Hello, I am using a STM8AF discovery board for prototyping and coding development. I would like to use it to establish SPI communication with an external ADC, the ADS1118 from TI. On the datasheet for STM8AF, "The microcontrollers of the STM8AF and S...
I have a board with a STM8S0003F3P6 MCU with its own 5V supply and a few other power supplies. What is the safest way to connect STM8S discovery SWIM programmer?protect 5VThe SWIM pin 1 USB 5V and board 5V could be at different voltage levels. I don...
Hello,There is confusion regarding the EXTI_SRx bytes.After a power on reset if a gpio (D0) is configured as input with interrupt and interrupts are enabled,What is the state of the EXTI_SR1 and EXTI_SR2 bytes when the interrupt handler runs?Do both ...
I want to know how to view the critical bytes of a .list file. Which byte above the location is critical bytes, is the one to be removed
i have configured the spi in stm8l controller.I have attached the code below:void SetupSPI(){ PB_DDR |= BIT(6) | BIT(5) ; // mosi and sck as output. PB_DDR &= ~BIT(7); // miso as input. PB_CR1 |= BIT(7); PB_CR1 |= BIT(6)| BIT(5) ; // mosi and **** a...
After stvp loads the stm8s programming code and option byte, the created project file is copied to another computer in the workshop. After the directory file is changed, the .stp file cannot be opened. The reason is that the stvp adds the burning cod...